Friday, August 3, 2012

Week 7 & 8

Luke and Papi in the village!
We just got back last Sunday after 2 months in Senegal. It is overwhelming to think about all that God did and everything that He taught us. We experienced his providence and power in ways that we never have before. We both said that we have learned more in these 2 months than we have any other 2 months in our entire lives. We want to try and give you an overview of what happened along with the main things that we learned this summer. Hopefully it won’t be too long!

Throughout the summer we got to see the supernatural work of God raising the spiritually dead in Christ! We saw what we believe to be 5 genuine salvations.  We saw 
three of these men come to faith in Christ the last two weeks we were there! Glory to God! The first of these three was a man from Ivory Coast named O. But this story does not start with O, it starts with a man named M that the team 
View from tallest building in SCIII
from our church that came in April made contact with. The April team shared the Gospel and a lot of truth with M and they wanted us to follow up with him when we got to Senegal. We had met with M a couple of times, and he was very interested in the truths of Scripture and who Jesus really was. We gave him a Bible and some other Gospel material to help him research. Well apparently he wasn’t just researching by himself but he was sharing with his friends! One day we got a call from O and he said, “I’ve never met you, but I want to meet so you can tell me about Jesus.” What?!? Only God can do these great things! We shared this with some of you as a prayer request so that we could pray together that God would provide a way to meet up with him. The day after we asked for prayer O called us again and we met up that evening in a park. We spent a couple hours working through the Gospel with him, sharing with him the truth of God’s Word about who Jesus is and what He came to do. That night he confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! We were so humbled to see how God works together His plan with His methods. 
Waiting for the game
This was all done by the hand of the Lord. O came looking for us! We had nothing to do with this! God just chose us as vessels to carry His message. We hooked O up with a Bible and we got him connected with some believers and missionaries over in Senegal. Pray for his spiritual growth, that he will be discipled, and that God will use him in ways that we could never imagine.

The Thursday before our team arrived we had our 7th Bible study at our friend’s house. That night a new guy (M) came, that is friends with S (the new believer from our first week here), and is from Guinea Conakry. It is a miracle in itself that M even came to Bible study. We went to go pick up S, and M saw us and decided he wanted to go along. That night, O (our translator/partner in ministry) taught a lesson on the faith of Abraham and on his sacrifice on the mountain. M was very interested and it seemed that he was ready to believe that night.  We gave him a Bible and told him to seek God and ask Him to reveal His truth. That Sunday a team of 5 people (Paula, Chris, Craig, Keirsten, and Bekah) from our church came to continue the work in Dakar. It was great to have them there. On that 
Favorite family
Monday we met up with him, continued to share more of the Gospel, and he ended up placing his faith in Jesus Christ that night! We took him back to meet up with our group and he professed his new faith to our team. Praise the Lord!

This was an incredible way for us to start our last week in Senegal, and for the team of 5 it was a great way to start their first week! It was a blessing for us having the team there as they encouraged us, helped us stay focused, motivated us, and they were used by God as instruments to proclaim His Gospel to many more people than we could have in just one week. During our last week there, our team of 7 people from CFBC and 3 translators continued to evangelize and build relationships throughout SCIII, our adopted neighborhood.  We had many good connections and had our last Bible study on Thursday evening.  2 nonbelievers came, and 1 was a Muslim man that has a great story. We were prayer walking through the neighborhood, as we usually do, looking for people to share the Gospel with. It was getting late so we were headed back to our meeting spot to meet back up with the team. On the way our translator saw one of his friends named S. We greeted him and got his 
Squirly Boy (on the right)
information, but that was all. Our translator told us that this man, S, had been very interested in
 the Gospel and had been spending a lot of time with him, but when S’s parents found out they put pressure on him and he stopped being so interested. We spent some time in prayer for S, and the next night the very same thing happened! We invited him to our Bible study, which was the next night, and he said that he would come. Usually they all say that they will come, and they never do, but the night of the Bible study he called and asked for us to meet him to show him where it was! We went and met up with him and brought him to the Bible study. The Gospel was very clearly presented by T, one of the believers, but when Bible study was finished and we asked S questions, we could tell that he was holding on to his old beliefs. We spent a lot of time sharing with him individually, and then two native believers took over and discussed with him for a very long time. After this he was ready to 
Alex and some new friends
believe! His parents texted him and said that they needed him, so we told him that he didn’t need us to put his faith in Jesus Christ. We told him to ask God to reveal truth to him, and that he could be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and putting his faith in Him alone. The next night he called to meet up with us so we told him to meet at our meeting spot. When we got there he was already confessing his new faith in Jesus Christ as Lord to some other members of our team. Hallelujah! This man was Wolof, which is the unreached people group that we had been targeting. All the other believers that we saw come to faith had been from different countries and people groups. This man was the first from Senegal and the first who was Wolof. These are the people that we have been specifically praying for and reaching out to, but they are usually very hardened to the Gospel. Praise be to the One who can break through the hardest of hearts, and open the eyes of the blindest of souls!

Glory to God for all the fruit that was harvested in Dakar, Senegal this summer! God did ALL of the work. We were just obedient to His call to plant and water, but He is the one who did the growing. We saw this in 
Paula... aka Mimoona Ndiaye
every one of the salvations that we got to witness this summer. GOD DID EVERYTHING! He set up divine appointments, He gave us the words to speak, He opened up their eyes to see, their ears to hear, and their hearts to understand. He adopted them as His children when they were enemies of Him. These men had no earthly reason to give their lives to Jesus Christ. They could lose everything! This is the case with many believers of this country. We have seen it happen. God revealed to them that Christ is supreme. That He is better than anything on this earth, and that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to come! These men were completely undeserving of God’s grace, but He is rich in it and He gave it to them anyways. This is true of us as well. Only by God’s grace were we in Senegal this summer, and only by His grace did we accomplish anything at all. This was our hope. That God’s grace will accomplish its purposes. That God changes lives. It was not up to us to convince anyone of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If it was we would be utterly hopeless. We know that God can and will save His people. We put our confidence in our sovereign God.

We learned so much this summer. To try and write all of it down would take absolutely forever, and since this update is already too long, we will try and make it short. We could write about how we both learned to live with another leader (which was a lesson we had to learn early), or we could write about the best way we found to evangelize a West African, we could write about many things, but we want to give you something that we already knew but we were living as if we had never heard of it. Complete dependence upon God. Now, of course if you had asked us before we left, “do you have a complete dependence upon God?” Our answer would have undoubtedly been yes. But we were pushed to a different level of dependence these past two months. We were trying to win souls in a country that is almost 100% lost, we were pushed to our physical, emotional, and spiritual limits. If it had been up to us we would have utterly failed. But praise be to God it was not up to us! It was up to HIM! We had to learn to give everything to Him, because He owns it anyways. Why were we trying to hold on to it? I think this is why this was the most fulfilling summer of our lives. Because every morning we had to wake up and say, take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee! Take it God! It’s Yours! Use it for Your 
Two African swimmers
glory! This is not just a lesson to be applied on the mission field in Africa, but a lesson that we want to bring back to our lives in the States, and a lesson that we hope that you will take for your life. We say that we trust God with our eternal future, but so often we have the hardest time trusting Him with tomorrow. What would our lives look like if we had a complete dependence upon God?

We could never thank you enough for praying for us so much and being so supportive of us. Know that we are thankful. God has heard your prayers and He has answered them. There are new believers in Senegal, there are countless seeds that have been planted, and we know from experience that even a seed can plant another seed that will produce fruit! Please do not stop praying for the people of Senegal. Here are a few requests that you can lift up to the throne of God with us:

·      Growth and discipleship of new believers
·       A growing passion and zeal for the glory of Jesus Christ in the native believers
·       Strength for the missionaries to continue the task that God has given them
·       That God would reveal Himself to all the people that we shared the Gospel with
·       For all of us to continue to completely depend on God and His grace

In Christ,
Assan ak Abdou
(Luke and Alex)

Omar Ba and Friends
Remember that one time when Luke stepped on one of these?
We visited Goree Island
This is where slaves would be pushed through to enter  the ships
Saddest door on the slave island
Colonial Building
Luke and his trusty steed
Chris and Keirsten

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